NZTA's Benefits of investing in cycling in New Zealand communities document has been out for a while now. It does a great job of helping to explain why we are even talking about the need to invest in infrastructure that makes people feel safer and more comfortable when they are riding a bike. We're also happy to point out that it references a lot of the same research and evidence that we have already highlighted on our Benefits of cycling and Benefits of cycleways pages. One of my favourite things about it is how all the people in the photos are dressed in normal, everyday clothes. When the mode share for cycling in NZ is currently so low it's easy to dismiss riding a bike as an exception to the rule and not something to be taken seriously as an everyday mode of transport. So it's great to see NZTA recognising this and doing their bit to legitimise cycling as a completely normal and viable way of getting around, and something worth investing serious money in.
October 2022