Claims that the Island Bay cycleway is "unsafe" are hypocritical and put a car-centric sense of entitlement ahead of the health and safety of vulnerable road users. Here's why:
By far the most dangerous things on our roads are motor vehicles Motor vehicles are inherently more dangerous than a bike or pedestrian and create significant risks to people biking or walking when mixed together e.g. when cyclists are forced to ride in traffic or 'door zone lanes', or when a pedestrian has to cross the road. The reasons why should be self-evident but if you need proof it can be found in Figure 3.2 on page 5 of NZTA's Road Safety Audit Procedures for Projects (these are the same set of procedures being used in the safety audits currently being carried out on the cycleway): "The risk of a pedestrian or cyclist being killed or seriously injured by a car increases significantly when travelling over 30km/h. A safe system would protect pedestrians and cyclists by providing safer road infrastructure, by encouraging the uptake of vehicles that inflict less harm on vulnerable users in a crash, by managing speeds to reduce the risk of serious injury and by both the drivers and the vulnerable user being alert to and aware of the risks associated with their interaction so they can both behave accordingly." Pedestrians and cyclists have much more in common with each other than they do with motor vehicles and it should be beyond question that separating people on bikes from traffic for the majority of their journey along The Parade reduces both the likelihood and consequences of a person on a bike being involved in a collision. It also greatly reduces the exposure to near misses, which are the real problem suppressing the uptake of cycling (for more information on this see The University of Westminster's Near Miss Project). As pointed out in a recent post on the well respected Transport Blog: "In short, our default urban speed limits are too high for pedestrians and cyclists to be safe in the event that they’re hit by a car… and road designs encourage people to drive even faster. This has a number of direct and indirect consequences. The direct consequence is that people die, needlessly. The indirect consequence is that many people choose not to walk or cycle at all – a rational response to a dangerous road environment. That in turn leads to health problems and premature deaths down the track as a result of physical inactivity." The bottom line is that The Parade is an arterial 50 kph road with nearly 10,000 vehicle movements per day. It is also a major bus route. Yes, the cycleway still has risks. There are still interactions with traffic at intersections and driveways and these need to be carefully managed (although the frequency of interactions at driveways has been grossly overstated) but to suggest that these risks are greater than the risks faced by people riding bikes among cars, trucks and buses weighing from one to 15 tonnes and moving at 50 kph is not just disingenuous but dangerous.
The Parade is already "unsafe", but we accept the risks According to NZTA's Crash Analysis System over the ten years from 2005-2014 there were a total of 65 crashes on The Parade, causing 4 serious and 24 minor injuries. Only 2 of these (both in 2008) involved bikes, 1 of which caused a minor injury. This is probably not even the full picture. In his recent blog on the Island Bay cycleway Professor Alistair Woodward pointed out that "it is well-known these [crash] data are insensitive, partial and slow to come to hand." Most Island Bay residents who regularly ride a bike can tell you about many more crashes and near misses that went unreported. At least 20 of these reported crashes occurred in the 4 years since 2010, when Councillor Paul Eagle first took office. These are all crashes that actually happened, not speculation about crashes that might happen. But where were the howls of protest and hand-wringing about these crashes? Where were the photos in local newspapers of angry residents and scowling councillors standing in the road and demanding changes? The sad but so-very-pragmatic truth is that there weren't any. Despite the very obvious dangers associated with motorised vehicles the reality is that we are so enamoured with them that we are prepared to accept quite a high level of collateral damage (an average of 6.5 crashes, 3 injuries and an unknown number of near misses on The Parade every year). I don't think that's right but I can understand why it is. We collectively believe that the benefits of cars outweigh the costs so we are able to accept a certain number of crashes and injuries. In fact, we've developed a kind of Stockholm Syndrome and come to view motor vehicle crashes as 'normal'. Another recent Transport Blog post highlighted some misguided commentary on road safety that implied that “distracted walking” was a serious problem and made the important point that: "As humans, we’re very prone to focus on risks from new activities while ignoring the effects of things that are already common. Status quo bias is a very real thing" What I absolutely cannot understand is why the cycleway should be judged to a higher standard than the road, especially when it is unproven whether the cycleway is dangerous at all. That's not to say that we shouldn't try to minimise as many obvious risks and issues as we can but that's still a long, long way from arriving at a completely premature and unsubstantiated conclusion that the cycleway is "unsafe". Safety isn't absolute, it's relative There is no such thing as "safe" or "unsafe". The safety of something can only be properly assessed and understood in comparison to the safety of other things. In the case of The Parade the relevant questions to ask are: - What was The Parade like previously? - How does The Parade compare to other roads in Island Bay and Wellington? Some of the most common safety concerns related to The Parade's new layout are listed below, with some thoughts on how the concern compares to either The Parade's previous layout or other roads around Island Bay and Wellington. In the new layout there is actually only one interaction that is completely new and unique to the Island Bay cycleway. That's the interaction between a person riding a bike along the cycleway and a passenger getting out of a parked car. Every other concern is either a variant on an interaction that previously existed or has a precedent somewhere else in the Wellington roading network.
The road is "too narrow". This regularly made claim is just nonsense and easily disproved. Yes, the main carriageway of The Parade is now narrower than it was previously but the traffic lanes are still at least 3.0m wide. This is a standard width and actually wider than many other roads around Island Bay and Wellington. In fact, you can't actually get to Island Bay without driving along roads that are just as narrow, or even narrower. Buses and trucks do need to be careful when passing each other but that's a good thing and it's not unreasonable to expect professional drivers to cope. As long as it is still passable a tight fit illustrates the efficient allocation of precious road space. There's also an increasing amount of international evidence that shows that narrower traffic lanes are safer because they slow traffic down. I am absolutely certain that the average speed along The Parade has dropped since the cycleway was implemented and I hope that WCC and NZTA are gathering data that will confirm whether that is true. The review of the cycleway certainly needs to include this kind of hard data. A possible solution to this 'problem' is the removal of more parking. The base residential demand for parking is another dataset that WCC and NZTA must bring to the review.
It's "dangerous" getting out of the driver's side of a car. There's no doubt that drivers now need to be more careful getting out of a car, because they are getting out into the traffic lane instead of a "bike lane". The question is whether this represents an unacceptably high level of risk. It doesn't, because this interaction is still no different to many, if not most, other roads around Island Bay and Wellington. There is a clear precedent and it's not unreasonable to expect drivers to take care getting in and out of a car. The fact that drivers making this complaint apparently don't see the need to take the same care getting out of a car into a bike lane tells you something.
It's "dangerous" getting out of the passenger side of a car. This is a completely new interaction and it will take time for both passengers and people riding bikes to get used to it. However, there is a buffer zone between parked cars and bikes and as long as both parties take care and show some courtesy there shouldn't be any problems. Again, the question is whether this presents an unacceptably high level of risk to anyone. Without a local precedent it's hard to judge, but the parking protected cycleway design is already common overseas. 30% of all protected bike lanes in the U.S. use parked cars. What is certain is that both the likelihood and consequences of getting 'doored' on the passenger side are much lower for a cyclist. Ministry of Transport research shows that for a large proportion of car travel (approx. two thirds), the driver is the only person in the vehicle. A cyclist 'doored' in a cycleway is also at no risk of then being run over by a motor vehicle.
Visibility is reduced when reversing out of driveways. Actually, as a general rule, it isn't. What has changed is that the obscured visibility created by a parked car for a reversing car now occurs when edging out into the main carriageway instead of into a "bike lane". Again, the perception that this wasn't previously an issue tells you something because the risk to people riding bikes is significantly reduced. Does this present an unacceptably high risk to reversing cars? It probably depends very much on the specific characteristics of a particular driveway but, in general, the risk here is no worse than when reversing out of one of Wellington's ubiquitous angle parks. And there are many other driveways around Wellington with similar visibility issues. In the most severe cases there is an obvious solution - remove the offending car park. Making a left-hand turn across the cycleway is "dangerous". This has always been the case and being cut off by a left-hand turning car is the bane of every cyclists life. The cycleway doesn't remove this interaction but it does structure it in a more formal (but slightly different) way. As long as people on bikes and motorists are looking out for each other there really shouldn't be a problem. In our tips for using the Island Bay cycleway we suggest that drivers approaching a left-hand turn should be scanning the cycleway for people on bikes and then check their side mirror and glance over their shoulder before making the turn slowly. The risk of a collision at a driveway is also mitigated by the speed that someone on a bike is travelling and the visibility of the turning car to the person on a bike. Drivers probably don't appreciate just how visible they are to cyclists even if cyclists don't seem that visible to them. A person riding a bike at a safe speed will almost always have plenty of time to slow down and stop (if necessary) on the rare occasion that a car turning left into a driveway hasn't seen them. People on bikes need to play their part by accepting that sometimes motor vehicles will be temporarily blocking the cycleway.
Overall, the current layout of The Parade really doesn't present any risks to road users that are unacceptably high when compared to the standards set by the rest of the Wellington roading network, and in many cases they are still lower. A common theme above is the transfer of some risk from people on bikes to motorists, but in most cases this means a significant reduction in the risk to cyclists at the expense of a minor increase in risk to motorists. It's a subjective debate, of course, and it would be good to see WCC and NZTA try to bring some more objectivity to this discussion as part of the review of the cycleway. It's also worth noting that most of the perceived risks with the new layout could be mitigated, or even removed completely, by removing more on-street parking from one or both sides of The Parade. Anecdotal evidence suggest that the base residential demand for on-street parking along The Parade is as low as 50-60%, which makes this option a realistic possibility. Hard data certainly needs to be collected on parking demand by WCC and NZTA so that the option of removing parking can be discussed as part of the review.
In summary Any objective discussion about safety on our roads really starts and ends with motorised traffic. To argue that separating people on bikes from cars, trucks and buses travelling at 50 kph is less safe overall is disingenuous and dangerous. If we really care about safety then let's focus on motor vehicles and have a discussion about things that will actually make a difference. Let's talk about dropping the speed limit across Wellington to 30 kph. Let's talk about about the design of roads and road geometry that encourages people to keep to safe speed limits. Let's talk about giving pedestrians and cyclists on paths priority over turning traffic at side streets. Let's talk about having more traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. And let's talk about removing more on-street parking from Wellington's roads in order to make more room for cycleways and footpaths (in Island Bay it is actually the preservation of so much on-street parking on The Parade that creates almost all the key risks that people perceive with the cycleway). If we just don't want to talk about these things that's fine, life is full of tough choices and trade-offs and we might not be prepared to make some of those. But if we are prepared to mitigate, manage and ultimately accept the significant risks associated with having motor vehicles in our cities and suburbs please don't be a hypocrite and tell me we can't do the same for a cycleway. Case study The past week in Island Bay provides a perfect case study on the hypocrisy surrounding the 'safety' of the cycleway. On June 9 a child was actually run over by a car near Wakefield Park. The child was very lucky to escape with only a few bruises. However, there was no comment at all about the incident on Councillor Paul Eagle's Facebook page or Twitter account and The Dominion Post did not report on it. There was some comment on other social media but it was largely along the lines of this blog post from mayoral candidate Keith Johnson which bizarrely uses the incident as an excuse to have a crack at the cycleway, which ends approx. 100m down the road and had nothing to do with it. I'm in general agreement with Keith's comment that we need more "integrated multi-modal transport planning" but find it strange that he can't see how encouraging use of the cycleway could make an immediate contribution to lessening the severe traffic management issues that exist at Wakefield Park. On June 13 a truck crashed into a parked car on The Parade. Almost immediately Councillor Eagle sent a series of tweets blaming the cycleway. Later, in comments to the Dominion Post, he indulged himself in more bike-blaming by repeating an unverified claim that the driver swerved to avoid a cyclist and speculating that "the next thing that will happen is there'll be a death". A witness to the crash later claimed that "there was no cyclist". Even if there was a cyclist they were quite entitled to be on the main carriageway (let's not forget that's still how it works on every other road in Wellington) and it is hard to see how they would be to blame. It should also be noted that under the old layout the truck would have swerved into the "bike lane" so it's no less speculative to say that the death of a cyclist may have been avoided. In fact, the incident is actually a good example of how people riding bikes, as vulnerable road users, are safer in a protected cycleway. There's little doubt that Councillor Eagle's comments were premature, opportunistic and irresponsible, especially coming from a community leader. They also reveal an instinctive lack of empathy with people who choose to ride bikes. The good news is that the Police are investigating (the crash, not Councillor Eagle).
15/6/2016 05:35:04 pm
Brilliant blog. You've nailed it
Sally S
15/6/2016 05:39:25 pm
This is really really good. Very well argued. I've been quite upset by Mr Eagle's very divisive comments about the cycle way for some time. It's true that we forget just how dangerous cars are but if we can put up with them we can definitely make a cycle way work. I would like to see a few things fixed though like cars not parking in it!!
Island Bay Rezidentura
15/6/2016 05:51:38 pm
This is best thing I have read on the cycleway so far. You've convinced me. Every Dom Post journo who has written a story on the cycleway should read this and feel ashamed.
Phil Jones
15/6/2016 05:53:10 pm
Good piece Regan but you know you are going to cop a lot of flack for it on a certain facebook page!!
15/6/2016 07:15:55 pm
Maybe the police should be investigating Paul Eagle for crimes against common sense?
Phil Jones
15/6/2016 07:30:51 pm
I have really lost a lot of respect for Paul because of this. I really don't know why he has been so stubborn about the issue. Won't be voting for him again and makes it very difficult to vote for Justin Lester too.
28/5/2017 06:18:05 pm
Hi Phil, I agree with you. The reason why Paul Eagle so easily makes 'divisive comments' is that he, to my observation, is the most ambitious city council candidate I've ever seen. Ambitious is common among politicians but Eagle seems to be OK with exposing his pandering to a perceived majority. I put Lester low on my STV list because of Eagle.
15/6/2016 07:22:51 pm
Some level-headed sense in the midst of the spin. This is brilliant, Regan. Thank you.
Brendan B
15/6/2016 07:23:14 pm
I don't agree with all of this and I think calling it hypocrisy is unnecessary but there is a lot to think about here. It actually can't be disputed that cars are a huge risk but we have found ways to accomodate them so it does seem like a double standard to judge a cycleway against a higher threshold. Interesting.
15/6/2016 08:24:29 pm
"At least 20 of these reported crashes occurred in the 4 years since 2010, when Councillor Paul Eagle first took office."
15/6/2016 10:29:16 pm
Ha, maybe! Just wondering why he never made any fuss about traffic accidents on The Parade until the cycleway came along.
15/6/2016 08:44:59 pm
I agree totally with what you say. One of the problems with the cycleway is that the critics generally do not use it and focus therefore on how they are negatively affected as Parade residents and/or motorists. Cyclists appreciate and enjoy the safety and security of a protected cycleway and can easily overlook the concerns of motorists. Empathy is often sadly lacking from both sides. I welcome NZTA's involvement (as non elected officials) who should be in a position to make objective and impartial decisions on what is best (and safest) for the community and the future of cycling in the city. The future for the Island Bay cycleway should not be determined by political posturing or protests of the indignant.
Ben Boo
15/6/2016 08:57:35 pm
While you're spot on -- suppose you are aware that the goal of the Dom Post only is to make money through advertisement revenue. When a piece of infrastructure simply does its job, then there's no story, and no money made.
15/6/2016 09:11:15 pm
I regularly drive along the length of The Parade. Previously I would have driven at around 60kph. Now I often drive at around 40kph and am conscious of the need to remain alert due the the narrower roadway. I perceive driving on The Parade as being less safe and my natural response is to slow down thereby posing less of a risk to others. Is that not what good design is about?.
15/6/2016 09:34:15 pm
Good analysis. This is what the council should have been explaining to people over 2 years ago. Terrible engagement from them but a protected cycle way is still a good idea. Let's hope this new review fixes the engagement problem without stuffing up the cycleway.
15/6/2016 10:42:24 pm
I've only recently moved to Island Bay and am bewildered by the hysteria the cycleway has generated. Driving and parking on the Parade is not any sort of challenge, and the cycleway is obviously a great thing for cyclists. I will be getting a bike solely on the fact of the cycleway. Maybe backing out of your driveway on the parade requires a bit more caution, but that's hardly a reason for shelving such a great asset.
15/6/2016 11:19:42 pm
Useful aspects here and we are improving engagement. Could I just say that all the arguments about slower spies being safer for all users, about daily healthy activity and about progressive cities enabling transport choice including cycling haven't generally made headlines. Some of the reports have been reasonably fair if you read through, including a DomPost editorial but the headlines are much more sensational.
16/6/2016 07:56:58 am
I assume you meant to say "slower speeds" not "slower spies" there Celia! The residents association are going to be angry when they find out the cycleway has been slowing down spies - national security concerns etc
Oli Brooke-White
15/6/2016 11:44:17 pm
Absolutely superb summation of the issues. If only certain other people could look at it so rationally. Thanks Regan.
michael Penhey
16/6/2016 12:21:38 am
An excellent review, however having been "censured" by the press myself I will be intrigued to read what they will print of it ,if anything, since, as another in this discussion has already pointed out good sense doesn't sell. NZ Green Bikes.
Andrew Carman
16/6/2016 10:53:52 am
Excellent article. Refreshing to read some common sense analysis, sadly so lacking in the Wellington mainstream print media.
16/6/2016 12:40:52 pm
I can actually hear Paul Eagle's teeth grinding all the way from Newtown
16/6/2016 01:21:05 pm
You know that scene in the movie Scanners where the dude's head explodes? That's Paul Eagle reading this blog.
16/6/2016 02:27:05 pm
Well argued and well written. Thank you, Regan.
17/6/2016 02:28:24 am
The near misses are one of the biggest things that create that fear though. Cycling is already safe based on actual serious crashes (certainly safer in the long run than sitting around doing nothing), but the the perception of danger that more frequent but usually uncounted near misses make is a big problem. Excellent post btw Regan!
16/6/2016 02:34:13 pm
Thank you for your hard work, Regan. Lots of us around the city appreciate it.
16/6/2016 03:10:15 pm
Thank you Regan for a well-researched and clear post. This is the sort of reasoned approach sadly missing from much of the press coverage of the Island Bay cycleway. Ironic that the professional journalists so often seem to prefer to pursue an agenda of highlighting conflict rather than reporting the facts. Good on you Regan, for filling the void.
16/6/2016 09:01:07 pm
Hi great post. One question about the cycleways design though. At intersections with side roads I understand the cycleway deviates toward the centre of the road. This seems strange to me. In Dutch designs, the opposite is true, a cycleway will either carry through straight or will deviate even further away from the main road. This allows traffic turning into the side road room to stop after they have turned off the main road, but before they cross the cycleway. Any comments on this aspect of the design?
17/6/2016 09:34:12 am
Ah I know this one. Current road rules in NZ mean that a path that is not part of the road (like the footpath, or a bike path that deviates further from the roadway) doesn't have priority at an intersection - you'd have to give way to all traffic turning into/out of the side road. Dumb eh - it would just cause pretty much everyone to break the rule or just avoid the cycleway. So this design is the best way to retain priority under the current road rules.
17/6/2016 02:46:57 pm
Thanks James, it makes more sense now. :)
Richard A
17/6/2016 03:10:33 pm
As someone who lives up in Auckland and is surrounded by ever increasing numbers of protected cycle lanes, including a bright pink one, I find it quite bizarre how Wellington seems to be struggling to deliver just one cycleway without a moral panic over safety. I hope the local residents realise that the sky is indeed not falling. Maybe the next cycleway should be in the heart of the Wgt CBD.
17/7/2016 08:17:22 pm
I heard that Lambton Quay was to become cycle/pedestrian only
30/6/2016 03:47:48 pm
Found this site after listening to some woman (Vicki?) on the radio just now claiming that "all Island Bay residents were opposed to the cycleway" and got really brassed off! Because I think it's terrific, and if it makes car drivers more careful what's wrong with that? The wide road before just encouraged speeding.
Alex hills
2/7/2016 04:39:46 pm
The cycleway project should have proved it's concept on a part of the route needing desperate help and get public backing this way... not be implemented cheaply and inappropriately along a huge length of road where there seemed to be no problem from the public 's perspective.
2/7/2016 11:13:38 pm
Interestingly, in the Netherlands you are taught to always look over your shoulder before turning and open your door. It's just a second nature.
29/7/2016 01:31:30 pm
I'm completely pro-cycleways, but it looks like this is a lesson in how not to do it, in so many ways. The community engagement was done badly and the implementation looks awful from what I can see. Why are the cars parking in the middle of the road? I don't blame people for feeling exposed. It looks and feels dangerous - and just looks wrong. Shouldn't there be some sort of curbing to define the edge of the road more visibly? Where's the design sensibility? I'm all for cycleways, but not like this. Fortunately the Christchurch cycleways have been implemented much better than this.
4/5/2017 01:41:28 pm
April 2017 Update: 2016 crash statistics for The Parade are now available:
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